Financial Aid

Office of Financial Aid
Welcome to the office of Financial Aid at the Electrical and HVAC/R Training Center. It is our goal to make the financial aid process as simple as possible. Traditionally, the financial aid process is put on the shoulders of the student and their family. Here at the Electrical and HVAC/R Training Center we offer a one on one approach, not only to assist with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) but to also get to know our students and their loved ones.

To set up your one on one FAFSA appointment, contact the Electrical and HVAC/R Training Center at (631)226-8021 and select option 2 for the Financial Aid Department.

If you would like to get a head start, see the process below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Financial Aid Department at the number above during the following times:  
  Monday & Wednesday: 11am-7pm
  Tuesday & Thursday: 9am-5pm
  Friday: 8am-3pm

Where to begin?
The FAFSA is can be completed online at

Filling out the FAFSA
Items you may want to have handy when completing FAFSA on your own or during a one on one interview:
                          1. Prior year tax returns (Student and Parent if Applicable)
                          2. W-2’s
                          3. Social Security Card
                          4. License
                          5. Permanent Resident Card (Other proof of citizenship or eligible noncitizenship)

Go to (This application if ALWAYS FREE! If it is asking you for a payment, double check the website you are using.)
    The student must create their own FSA ID linked to their personal email address and phone number.
    A parent must create an FSA ID linked to their personal email address and phone number if, according to the picture below, the student is dependent.

Once the FSA IDs are created the student must log in with their FSA ID.
Choose Start New Form for the Award Year you plan on attending
Confirm that you are submitting FAFSA as Student
Click through the Informative Videos by selecting Continue
Confirm Student Identity Information and State of Residence
Provide Consent and Approval for the application to link to the IRS and transfer any tax information
Go through each Section and answer all questions accurately:
  • Personal Circumstances (If you have any unusual circumstances that can affect your dependency status, please contact the Financial Aid Department before submitting)
  • Parent Information (If applicable, you will be required to send an invitation to your parent(s). Keep in mind that the invitation information must match your parent(s) FSA ID information)
  • Demographics (Will be required to provide A-Number if Eligible noncitizen. All other questions do not affect eligibility
  • Financials (Based on prior year tax returns. If the application is unable to transfer tax information from the IRS, you must have your taxes readily available and may be required to give a copy to the Financial Aid Office.)
  • Colleges (Add School Code: G42238)
  • Signature (Sign and Complete to Submit)
If required to provide parent information, student must “Log Out” of the FAFSA website and have their parent “Log In” with their own FSA ID. The parent will go through the above sections and answer all questions with their own information and submit.

***Keep in mind that the FAFSA determines an estimate for Pell Grants, if you qualify, and Direct Loans. The estimate given may differ from what the Electrical and HVAC/R Training Center can offer based on the length of the program.***

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