High School Resume Templates
Steps Below to Setup a Zoom account
Join Zoom Meeting:
Step 1) Sign In to your Account
Step 2) Have your Meeting ID number and Meeting password that career services provide
Career Services Assistance Students must meet below criteria:
Career Services Assistance Students must meet below criteria:
1) Have their own Hand Tools for either Electrical or HVAC/R Industry
2) 90% Attendance
3) 3.50 GPA
4) Driver’s License
5) 18 Years old or older
6) No Disciplinary issues or conduct
7) Have the proper documentation to fill out an I9 form
8) Complete resume that is typed up and summited to: careerservices@electricaltrainingcenter.edu
9) Student must reach out to Career services if there want assistance in finding work in the field of study
*Placement is not a guarantee. Students must take initiative to find a job in their field of study. Career services will assistance in the process not do all the work for the student.
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