Suffolk County 8 Hour Master Electrician Renewal

COVID - 19 Statement about Suffolk County 8 Hour Master Electrician Renewal Click Here

The Electrical And HVAC/R Training Center provides placement assistance to all students enrolled in Electrical & HVAC/R programs.

Get Your Helper Today!


(April 28 & 30, 2025, May 19 & 21, 2025,

June 23 & 25, 2025, July 28 & 30, 2025, August 25 & 27, 2025, October 20 & 22, 2025, November 17 & 19, 2025, December 15 & 17, 2025)

All other dates will be in person.

Online Tech Support Hours:

Monday thru Friday from (12PM – 4PM) /  Monday/Wednesday Evening Classes (5:00PM – 7:00PM) / Saturday Classes Only (7AM – 10AM)

Please call (631) 226-8021 

Suffolk County 8 Hour Master Electrician Renewal
(Limited Seats Available Per date If Full Please Select Other Date)
 Breakfast and Lunch Will Be Served In-person Only 

The requirement for the ALL ON-LINE Classes - MUST have a computer with a working speaker, microphone, and camera or a smart phone.

  1. It is you (the students) responsibility to make sure you have a Zoom Account (required) to login into the scheduled course or seminar Zoom video conference. Without a Zoom account, you will not be able to access the class.
  2. Please test your Zoom account for any issues prior to the scheduled Zoom course or seminar.
  3. Technical difficulties on the day of/outside of the Meeting ID and Password are on the responsibility of the student. If you are unable to attend the class due to technical difficulties, please email with your name, course name and date of course. We will respond as soon as possible to try to accommodate you with the next scheduled class.

List of Services

    List of Services

    For New Upcoming Metropolitan Dates Click Here

    New York City 8 Hour Master Electrician License Renewal
    Purpose: This course is a requirement for all Master and Special Electricians to maintain his/her license to work in New York City.
    Duration: 8 hours per year; 24 hours of instructional time over a three year Electrical Code cycle, excluding breaks & meals

    NYC Requirement: To renew a NYC Master or Special Electrical License or maintain current under a deactivated license, the applicant must complete this course and submit a certificate of completion to the Licensing Unit as mandated by NYC Administrative Code 27-3015, 1 RCNY §104-06 Continuing Education &§105-03 Department Approved Courses.
    Subchapter D of Chapter 100 of Title 1 of the Rules of the City of New York are amended to read as follows:

    (3) Electrician (Master/Special). Beginning January 1, [2014]2016, during the one (1) year immediately prior to renewal, the licensee must have successfully completed a course approved by the Department of at least eight (8) hours, at least four (4) hours of which must focus on the New York City Electrical Code and other requirements pursuant to section 105-03 of subchapter E of this chapter. The Department will accept for each license year up to four (4) credit hours earned from an electrical continuing education course offered in another jurisdiction as part of a licensed electrician renewal process in that jurisdiction, provided that the course is at least eight (8) credit hours per license year in that jurisdiction, the credits were earned during the three (3) years immediately prior to renewal and (i) the jurisdiction follows the National Electrical Code/NFPA 70; (ii) the course provider is a certified provider within that jurisdiction; and (iii) the course is taught by an instructor with experience in the electrical field who is certified as an electrical course provider in jurisdictions following the National Electrical Code/NFPA 70.
    Credit hours earned in another jurisdiction will not count toward the at least four (4) hours that must focus on the New York City Electrical Code and other requirements

    pursuant to section 105-03.b. In the event the holder of a master electrician’s license is no longer engaged in a master electrician business or a special electrician is engaged during normal working hours in a business activity that does not involve the installation, alteration, or repair of electrical wiring for light, heat or power, then he or she shall so notify the department and submit his or her license and seal for deactivation provided that (i) such license and seal will be reinstated without examination if such application is made prior to the date on which it would have otherwise expired, or (ii) if application is made after such date a new license and seal will be issued, without written re-examination, after the submission of satisfactory evidence of continued competence in the electrical field and satisfaction of any applicable continuing education requirements during the period of deactivation; provided that at the time of the submission of the license for deactivation

    New Electrical License Renewal Requirements
    (Suffolk County Code, Chapter 563, Article XI)
    For all Suffolk County Electrical Licenses being renewed after June 7, 2019Suffolk County will require that electrical license holders completecontinuing education hours prior to renewing their license.

    Electrical Training Center
    has been approved by Suffolk County as a Continuing Education provider, and will be offering courses that will satisfy these requirements for Suffolk County License holders to renew their licenses.
    All Master Electricians and Restricted Electricians Renewing Their License After June 7, 2019
    Must Have Completed the Required Continuing Education Hours Click here for more information
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